Exquisite Corpse - High School Art Sketch Day
This is a quick assignment that can be done at most age levels. It is really fun for the students and allows them to be creative and see the different art styles of their classmates. The process for the Exquisite Corpse exercise is simple, you give students a piece of paper and either have them fold it or have pre-folded pieces ready to go. Then, you discuss the process and how long they will have for each section. For this lesson I gave 10 min for each section that way students were encouraged to put in details and really try their best. Once they had finished a section I had them sign their names so I could easily track what they had done. To keep students from collaborating and creating 'forced' images I picked up each paper and handed them back at random with the previous section folded back. Students were told not to look at what had been previously drawn and were only given little lines of where the last artist had stoped drawing. The sections are broken down by Head, body and arms/hands, and legs and feet. Once all three sections are finished students opened up the work in front of them and walked around to see all the completed works. Then the drawing went back to whoever created the head and they were given the choice to color or shade their finished product as part of the grade. This is a great way to introduce something new and spark creativity and fun within the art classroom.
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