Album Covers - High School Art 1
This lesson was done in many parts, students were given a week and a half to finish these. I began by bringing in some of my own records and discussing the different types of art on the covers. We discussed how it fit the music found on the records themselves and how some were really simple and others were really detailed. I then told them they had the option of doing this as a 2-d project with acrylic, Water Color, or Colored Pencil; or they could use clay as it was a clay based class. I then handed out an ideation paper and asked them to pick three songs to analyze and create an example for. This was so they could really figure out what the song was about and what it meant to them. I wanted them to then show this in their own created image. After they had completed all three songs and turned in the paper they could begin with whichever medium they had picked. If they did choose clay they just had to get the clay form down, and were not being graded on glazing it within that week and a half time frame. Glazing did go into their final grade though, so they had longer until the next glaze firing to get that done after the initial firing. I also did an in person demo of how to roll out and throw a slab that they could use as the base of their album cover. I also taught them how to cut out and create a square using a squared ruler.
Below are photos of the ideation handout and student examples of completed work:
Click photo to Enlarge: